Un día un hombre fue a una barbería y llegar allí que era barberoateo estaban discutiendo acerca de la existencia de Dios ...
Afirmó, ¿cómo puede Dios existe si no se dan cuenta de que había un Dios no habría hambre, la muerte, la miseria, las guerras y ninguna desgracia en el mundo ... ¿cómo se puede creer en algo que no puedes ver?
Al ver que el cliente intentó, sin éxito, para discutir. Saliendo de la barbería, vio a un hombre con una barba enorme. Y la peluquería de nuevo y dijo: -Usted sabe que hay barberos. "¿Cómo así que no estoy aquí me puedes ver, tocar conmigo sabe que soy real. Si hubiera barberos, no habría nadie en el mundo, con largas barbas. Sin embargo, está ahí para las personas con grandes barbas porque no vienen a mí y si no viene a mí no me puede ayudar.
-Tenemos que hacerlo bien y cuando no quieren actuar desgracias en el mundo, el hambre, la pobreza, la guerra o, simplemente, ver o sentir que Dios no está buscando a la humanidad ya que puede acabar con el hambre, las guerras o ayudar a demostrar a la gente que uno simplemente no le cree, no la búsqueda? Al enterarse de que el peluquero no dijo nada y el cliente y se alejó. Así que querido lector tratar de pensar en que el texto y reflexionar sobre su vida, a menudo pensamos acerca de cómo nuestra vida puede ser mejor en las dificultades que enfrentamos y bajó la cabeza varias veces y han omitido y dejamos que el mal viene pero no se puede deje desanimar por las dificultades y nunca dejar de luchar .... Que puedo hacer todo lo que me fortalece, si Dios es por nosotros ¿quién contra nosotros?
POR: Maia Leandro
One day a man went to a barber and getting there that was atheist barber were arguing about the existence of God ... He claimed, how can God exist if you do not realize there was a God would not have hunger, death, misery, wars and no disgrace in the world ... how can you believe in something you can not see?
Seeing that the client tried unsuccessfully to discuss. Leaving the barbershop he saw a man with a huge beard. And the barber shop again and said: -You know there are barbers. "How so no I'm here you can see me, touch me knows I'm real. If there were barbers, there would be nobody in the world with long beards. However, it is there for people with big beards because they do not come to me and if they do not come to me I can not help them.
-We got it right as you do not want to act misfortunes in the world, hunger, poverty, war or simply see or feel God is not looking for humanity as it can end hunger, wars or help prove to people that asimply does not believe him, not the search? Hearing that the barber said nothing and the client and walked away. So dear reader try to think about that text and think about your life, we often think about how our life could be better in the difficulties we face and lowered her head several times and have omitted and we let the bad come but you can not leave discouraged by difficulties and never stop fighting .... I can do everything that strengthens me, If God be for us who can be against us?
By: Leandro Maia
Seeing that the client tried unsuccessfully to discuss. Leaving the barbershop he saw a man with a huge beard. And the barber shop again and said: -You know there are barbers. "How so no I'm here you can see me, touch me knows I'm real. If there were barbers, there would be nobody in the world with long beards. However, it is there for people with big beards because they do not come to me and if they do not come to me I can not help them.
-We got it right as you do not want to act misfortunes in the world, hunger, poverty, war or simply see or feel God is not looking for humanity as it can end hunger, wars or help prove to people that asimply does not believe him, not the search? Hearing that the barber said nothing and the client and walked away. So dear reader try to think about that text and think about your life, we often think about how our life could be better in the difficulties we face and lowered her head several times and have omitted and we let the bad come but you can not leave discouraged by difficulties and never stop fighting .... I can do everything that strengthens me, If God be for us who can be against us?
By: Leandro Maia
Certo dia um homem foi ao barbeiro e chegando lá o que era Ateu barbeiro estava discutindo sobre a existência de Deus...
Ele afirmava; como Deus pode existir você não percebe que se existisse um Deus não teria fome, mortes, miséria, guerras e nenhuma desgraça no mundo... como você pode acreditar em algo que você não pode ver ? Vendo aquilo o cliente tentou debater sem sucesso.
Saindo da barbearia avistou um Homem com uma enorme barba. E voltou a barbearia e disse:
-Quer saber barbeiros não existem.
-Como assim não existem eu estou aqui você pode me ver, me tocar sabe que sou real.
-Se barbeiros existissem não existiria ninguém no mundo com longas barbas.
-Ora isso é relativo existem pessoas com grandes barbas pois elas não me procuram e se elas não me procuram não posso ajudá-las.
-Chegamos ao ponto certo como você quer que não aja desgraças no mundo, fome, miséria, guerras ou simplesmente ver ou sentir Deus se a humanidade não o procura como ele pode acabar com a fome, as guerras ajudar ou se revelar para um povo que simplesmente não acredita nele, não o busca ?
Ouvindo aquilo o barbeiro se calou e o cliente de as costas e foi embora.
Então caro leitor tente pensar sobre esse texto e reflita sobre sua vida, muitas vezes nós pensamos em como nossa vida poderia ser melhor, nas dificuldades que enfrentamos e varias vezes baixamos a cabeça e nos omitimos e deixamos que o ruim venha mas vocês não podem se deixar abater pelas dificuldades e nunca deixe de lutar....
Tudo posso naquele que me Fortalece, Se Deus é por nós quem será contra nós ?
BY: Leandro Maia
Forever ...?
Movies, books, tv shows. Everything is focused on a single subject, love, always expressed in the most sweet and gentle, as if everything is well.
The human mind is an incredible complexity but all that was logical, rational and real falls apart when you find that person that makes you feel good, makes you feel unique. But the days pass, and when you look in the mirror, sees that he is not happy with that person, relationships come and go, but when they end the world seems to go together, especially when you still love the person, then it logical human beings still have the illusion of falling in love and spend their whole lives next to a person? Since the course of these years we can see that "forever" always ends, that the promises are never fulfilled. So it would be logical humans still have the illusion of falling in love and spend their whole lives next to a person? Since the course of these years we can see that "forever" always ends, that the promises are never fulfilled and always a party when they leave angry, almost always the woman who deludes himself.
By: Sarah Fernandes feat. Erick Cristiano
The human mind is an incredible complexity but all that was logical, rational and real falls apart when you find that person that makes you feel good, makes you feel unique. But the days pass, and when you look in the mirror, sees that he is not happy with that person, relationships come and go, but when they end the world seems to go together, especially when you still love the person, then it logical human beings still have the illusion of falling in love and spend their whole lives next to a person? Since the course of these years we can see that "forever" always ends, that the promises are never fulfilled. So it would be logical humans still have the illusion of falling in love and spend their whole lives next to a person? Since the course of these years we can see that "forever" always ends, that the promises are never fulfilled and always a party when they leave angry, almost always the woman who deludes himself.
By: Sarah Fernandes feat. Erick Cristiano
Por siempre ...?
Películas, libros, programas de televisión. Todo se centra en un solo tema, el amor, siempre se expresa en la más dulce y suave, como si todo está bien.
La mente humana es una complejidad increíble, pero todo lo que era lógico, racional y lo real se desmorona cuando encuentre a esa persona que te hace sentir bien, te hace sentir único. Pero los días pasan, y cuando te miras en el espejo, ve que no es feliz con esa persona, las relaciones van y vienen, pero cuando el fin del mundo parece ir de la mano, especialmente cuando usted todavía ama a la persona, entonces lógica de los seres humanos aún tienen la ilusión de enamorarse y pasar toda su vida al lado de una persona? Dado que el curso de estos años podemos ver que "siempre" termina siempre, que las promesas nunca se cumplen. Por lo tanto, sería lógico seres humanos aún tienen la ilusión de enamorarse y pasar toda su vida al lado de una persona? Dado que el curso de estos años podemos ver que "siempre" termina siempre, que las promesas no se cumplen y siempre una de las partes cuando se van enojados, casi siempre la mujer que engaña a sí mismo.
By:Sarah Fernandes feat. Erick Cristiano
La mente humana es una complejidad increíble, pero todo lo que era lógico, racional y lo real se desmorona cuando encuentre a esa persona que te hace sentir bien, te hace sentir único. Pero los días pasan, y cuando te miras en el espejo, ve que no es feliz con esa persona, las relaciones van y vienen, pero cuando el fin del mundo parece ir de la mano, especialmente cuando usted todavía ama a la persona, entonces lógica de los seres humanos aún tienen la ilusión de enamorarse y pasar toda su vida al lado de una persona? Dado que el curso de estos años podemos ver que "siempre" termina siempre, que las promesas nunca se cumplen. Por lo tanto, sería lógico seres humanos aún tienen la ilusión de enamorarse y pasar toda su vida al lado de una persona? Dado que el curso de estos años podemos ver que "siempre" termina siempre, que las promesas no se cumplen y siempre una de las partes cuando se van enojados, casi siempre la mujer que engaña a sí mismo.
By:Sarah Fernandes feat. Erick Cristiano
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