

One day a man went to a barber and getting there that was atheist barber were arguing about the existence of God ... He claimed, how can God exist if you do not realize there was a God would not have hunger, death, misery, wars and no disgrace in the world ... how can you believe in something you can not see? 
Seeing that the client tried unsuccessfully to discuss. Leaving the barbershop he saw a man with a huge beard. And the barber shop again and said: -You know there are barbers. "How so no I'm here you can see me, touch me knows I'm real. If there were barbers, there would be nobody in the world with long beards. 
However, it is there for people with big beards because they do not come to me and if they do not come to me I can not help them. 
-We got it right as you do not want to act misfortunes in the world, hunger, poverty, war or simply see or feel God is not looking for humanity as it can end hunger, wars or help prove to people that asimply does not believe him, not the search? Hearing that the barber said nothing and the client and walked away. So dear reader try to think about that text and think about your life, we often think about how our life could be better in the difficulties we face and lowered her head several times and have omitted and we let the bad come but you can not leave discouraged by difficulties and never stop fighting .... I can do everything that strengthens me, If God be for us who can be against us?

By: Leandro Maia 

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